
Saturday, July 20, 2024

History of Esa nabi

 It looks like you might be referring to the history of Prophet Isa (Jesus) in Islamic tradition. Here is an overview of his story as it is commonly understood in Islam:

Birth and Early Life Prophet Isa:

 (Jesus) is one of the most significant prophets in Islam. Muslims believe he was born to Maryam (Mary) without a father, through a miraculous birth. This event is described in the Quran, where the angel Gabriel (Jibril) announces to Maryam that she will have a son, even though she is a virgin.

Miracles and Teachings :

Isa is known for performing many miracles, such as healing the sick, raising the dead, and creating a bird from clay. These miracles were signs of his prophethood and were performed by the permission of Allah. Isa's teachings emphasized monotheism, compassion, and justice. He called people to worship Allah alone and follow His commandments.

The Injeel (Gospel):

Muslims believe that Isa was given a holy book called the Injeel (Gospel), which contained guidance and light. However, they also believe that the original teachings of the Injeel have been altered over time.

The Crucifixion and Ascension:

 A key difference between Islamic and Christian beliefs is the understanding of the crucifixion. Islam teaches that Isa was not crucified; instead, it appeared so to the people, and Allah raised him up to heaven. Muslims believe that Isa will return to earth before the Day of Judgment to restore justice and defeat the false messiah (the Antichrist).

Importance in Islam Isa:–

 Isa is highly respected in Islam and is considered one of the five greatest prophets, along with Noah (Nuh), Abraham (Ibrahim), Moses (Musa), and Muhammad (peace be upon them all). His life and teachings are a significant part of Islamic theology and eschatology.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Moosa nabi history

 Moosa Nabi, also known as Moses in Judeo-Christian traditions, is a prominent prophet in Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Here's a brief overview of his history according to Islamic tradition:

Early Life Birth and Early Years: 

Moosa (Moses) was born in Egypt during a time when the Pharaoh had ordered that all newborn Israelite boys be killed. His mother placed him in a basket and set it afloat on the Nile River to save him. The basket was found by the Pharaoh's wife, who decided to adopt him.

Growing Up in Pharaoh’s Palace:

 Moses grew up in the palace of the Pharaoh, unaware of his Israelite heritage. He was cared for by his biological mother, who was hired as his wet nurse.

Call to Prophet hood The Burning Bush:

 As an adult, Moses fled Egypt after killing an Egyptian who was beating an Israelite. He went to Midian, where he married and became a shepherd. One day, while tending his flock, he saw a burning bush from which God spoke to him, commanding him to return to Egypt and free the Israelites from slavery.

The Exodus Confrontation with Pharaoh:

 Moses returned to Egypt with his brother Aaron to confront the Pharaoh. Despite performing various miracles (like turning his staff into a serpent and turning water into blood), Pharaoh refused to free the Israelites.

The Ten Plagues: 

God sent ten plagues upon Egypt, culminating in the death of the firstborn sons. After this final plague, Pharaoh relented and allowed the Israelites to leave.Parting of the Red Sea: Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, and when Pharaoh’s army pursued them, God parted the Red Sea, allowing the Israelites to cross on dry ground. The sea then closed, drowning the pursuing Egyptian forces.

Wandering in the Desert Receiving the Torah:

After leaving Egypt, Moses and the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years. During this time, Moses received the Torah (including the Ten Commandments) from God on Mount Sinai.


Moses led the Israelites, guiding them and managing various challenges and rebellions.Death and 

Legacy Death:

Moses died before entering the Promised Land. According to Islamic tradition, he is buried somewhere in the region of Jordan.


Moses is considered one of the greatest prophets in Islam, and his story is recounted in the Quran with a focus on his role as a leader and lawgiver.Moses' life and mission are central to the faith and identity of the Israelites and have significant importance in Christianity and Islam as well. His story teaches lessons about faith, leadership, and perseverance.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

History of Prophet Mohammad

 Prophet Muhammad (570-632 CE) is the founder of Islam and is considered the last prophet in a line of prophets in Islamic tradition. His life and teachings form the foundation of the Islamic faith.

Early LifeBirth:

Muhammad was born in Mecca (in present-day Saudi Arabia) around 570 CE into the Hashim clan of the powerful Quraysh tribe.

Orphaned Early:

His father, Abdullah, died before he was born, and his mother, Amina, died when he was six years old. He was then raised by his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, and later by his uncle, Abu Talib.Merchant Career: Muhammad became a merchant and was known for his honesty and trustworthiness, earning the nickname "Al-Amin" (the trustworthy). He worked for a wealthy widow, Khadijah, who later became his wife.

ProphethoodFirst Revelation:

 At the age of 40, Muhammad began receiving revelations from Allah (God) through the angel Gabriel while meditating in the cave of Hira. The first revelation is considered to be the beginning of the Quran.

Public Preaching:

Muhammad started preaching monotheism, urging the people of Mecca to abandon idolatry and worship one God. This message faced strong opposition from the Quraysh leaders.

Persecution and HijraPersecution: 

 Muhammad and his followers faced severe persecution in Mecca. Some of his followers sought refuge in Abyssinia (modern-day Ethiopia).Hijra (Migration): In 622 CE, Muhammad and his followers migrated to Yathrib (later named Medina) in an event known as the Hijra. This migration marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar.

Life in MedinaEstablishment of the Muslim Community:

In Medina, Muhammad established a Muslim community based on Islamic principles and laws. He acted as both a spiritual and political leader.Conflicts with Mecca: There were several battles between the Muslims and the Meccans, including the Battle of Badr (624 CE), the Battle of Uhud (625 CE), and the Battle of the Trench (627 CE).

Conquest of MeccaTreaty of Hudaybiyyah:

 In 628 CE, a peace treaty was signed between the Muslims and the Quraysh, which was later violated by the Quraysh.Conquest of Mecca: In 630 CE, Muhammad led a peaceful conquest of Mecca. The idols in the Kaaba were destroyed, and the city embraced Islam.

Final Years and DeathFarewell Pilgrimage:

 In 632 CE, Muhammad performed his Farewell Pilgrimage and delivered his Farewell Sermon, emphasizing equality, justice, and the importance of following the Quran and his teachings.Death: Muhammad died on June 8, 632 CE, in Medina and was buried in the chamber of his wife Aisha, which is now part of the Prophet's Mosque.


The Quran, considered the literal word of God, was revealed to Muhammad over 23 years and compiled into a single book after his death.


The sayings and actions of Muhammad, known as Hadith, provide further guidance on Islamic practice and law.


Muhammad's teachings and the religion of Islam have had a profound impact on world history, culture, and society.Muhammad is revered by Muslims as the final prophet, and his life serves as a model of piety, leadership, and moral conduct.

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இஸ்லாத்தில் ஐந்து கலிமா- தமிழ் மொழிப்பெயர்ப்புடன்

இஸ்லாத்தில் ஐந்து கலிமா- தமிழ் மொழிப்பெயர்ப்புடன்

1.  அவ்வல் கலிமா தய்யிப்

லாஇலாஹ இல்லல்லாஹு முஹம்மதுர் ரஸுலுல்லாஹ்

பொருள்: வணக்கத்திற்குத் தகுதியானவன் அல்லாஹு தஆலாவைத் தவிர வேறு நாயன் இல்லை. முஹம்மது நபி ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அன்னவர்கள் அல்லாஹ்வுடைய திருத்தூதராக இருக்கிறார்கள்.

2.  இரண்டாம் கலிமா ஷஹாதத்

அஷ்ஹது அ(ன்)ல்லா இலாஹ இல்லல்லாஹு வஹ்தஹு லாஷரீக லஹு வஅஷ்ஹது அன்ன முஹம்மதன் அப்துஹு வரஸுலுஹு

பொருள்: நிச்சயமாக வணக்கத்திற்குரியவன் அல்லாஹுவைத் தவிர வேறு யாருமில்லை. அவன் தனித்தவன்; அவனுக்கு யாதோர் இணையுமில்லை என்று நான் சாட்சி கூறுகிறேன். இன்னும் நிச்சயமாக முஹம்மது ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அன்னவர்கள் அவனுடைய அடியாரும் இன்னும் அவனுடைய திருத்தூதருமாக இருக்கிறார்கள் என்றும் நான் சாட்சி கூறுகிறேன்.

3.  மூன்றாம் கலிமா தம்ஜீத்

ஸுப்ஹானல்லாஹி வல் ஹம்து லில்லாஹி வலாஇலாஹ இல்லல்லாஹு வல்லாஹு அக்பர் வலா ஹவ்ல வலா குவ்வத இல்லாபில்லாஹில் அலிய்யில் அலீம்.

பொருள்: அல்லாஹு தஆலா மிகப் பரிசுத்தமானவன். புகழனைத்தும் அல்லாஹ்வுக்கே உரியன. வணக்கத்திற்குரியவன் அல்லாஹ்வைத் தவிர வேறு யாருமில்லை; அல்லாஹ் மிகப் பெரியவன். (பாவங்களை விட்டுத்) திரும்புதலும், இன்னும் (நன்மைகள் செய்யச்) சக்தியும் அல்லாஹு தஆலாவின் உதவியைக் கொண்டே தவிர இல்லை.

4.  நான்காம் கலிமா தவ்ஹீத்

லாயிலாஹ இல்லல்லாஹு வஹ்தஹு லாஷரீக லஹு லஹுல் முல்கு வலஹுல் ஹம்து யுஹ்யீ வயுமீது பிய திஹில் கைரு வஹுவ அலா குல்லி ஷைஇன் கதீர்

பொருள்: வணக்கத்திற்குரியவன் அல்லாஹ்வைத் தவிர வேறு யாருமில்லை. அவன் தனித்தவன்; அவனுக்கு யாதோர் இணையுமில்லை. ஆட்சியெல்லாம் அவனுக்கே, புகழனைத்தும் அவனுக்கே, அவனே (எல்லாப் பொருட்களுக்கும்) உயிர் கொடுக்கிறவன்; அவனே (எல்லாப் பொருட்களையும்) மரணிக்கச் செய்கிறவன், நன்மையெல்லாம் அவன் கைவசமே இருக்கின்றன. அவன் எல்லாப் பொருட்களின் மீதும் சக்தி உடையவன்.

5.  ஐந்தாம் கலிமா ரத்துல் குப்ர்

அல்லாஹும்ம இன்னீ அஊது பிக மின் அன் உஷ்ரிக பிக ஷைஅன்(வ்) வஅன அஃலமு வஅஸ்தஃபிருக லிமாலா அஃலமு இன்னக அன்த அல்லாமுல் குயூப் துப்து அன்ஹு வதபர்ரஃது அன் குல்லி தீனின் ஸிவாதீனில் இஸ்லாம் வ அஸ்லம்து வ ஆமன்து வ அகூலு லாஇலாஹ இல்லல்லாஹு முஹம்மதுர் ரஸுலுல்லாஹி

பொருள்: யா அல்லாஹ்! நிச்சயமாக நான் அறிந்தவனாயிருக்கும் நிலையில் உனக்கு எப்பொருளையும் இணை வைப்பதை விட்டும் உன்னிடம் நான் காவல் தேடுகிறேன். நான் அறியாமல் செய்த பாவங்களுக்காக உன்னிடம் பாவமன்னிப்புத் தேடுகிறேன். நிச்சயமாக நீ மறைவானவற்றை நன்கு அறிந்தவன். நான் (பாவங்களான) அதனை விட்டும் தவ்பாச் செய்து மீண்டேன். இஸ்லாம் மார்க்கத்தைத் தவிர மற்றெல்லா மார்க்கங்களை விட்டும் நான் நீங்கி விட்டேன். அல்லாஹ்வுக்கு நான் வழிபட்டு விட்டேன். நான் ஈமான் கொண்டேன். லாஇலாஹ இல்லலல்லாஹு முஹம்மதுர் ரஸுலுல்லாஹ் என்று நான் கூறுகிறேன்.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Latest news about Jupiter Juno mission

Latest news in Juno mission in jupiter:

  1. Juno Mission: NASA's Juno spacecraft has been studying Jupiter since 2016, providing valuable data about the planet's atmosphere, magnetic field, and internal structure. The mission has been uncovering new insights into Jupiter's complex dynamics.
  2. Great Red Spot: Jupiter's famous Great Red Spot is a giant storm that has been observed for centuries. Recent studies have shown changes in its size, shape, and color, raising questions about its long-term stability.
  3. Jupiter's Moons: Jupiter has an extensive system of moons, with the four largest known as the Galilean moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto). These moons have been the focus of scientific interest due to their potential for harboring liquid water oceans and the possibility of hosting life.
  4. Atmospheric Studies: Researchers are studying Jupiter's turbulent atmosphere to understand its weather patterns, atmospheric composition, and the dynamics of its cloud systems. This includes studying its auroras, lightning, and other atmospheric phenomena.
  5. Exoplanets and Jupiter-like Worlds: Scientists are discovering many exoplanets that resemble Jupiter in terms of size and composition. These discoveries help improve our understanding of planet formation and the diversity of planetary systems in the universe.

The Juno mission is a NASA spacecraft mission that was launched on August 5, 2011, and entered Jupiter's orbit on July 4, 2016. It is part of NASA's New Frontiers program and is specifically designed to study the planet Jupiter. Here are some key points about the Juno mission:

  1. Objectives: The primary goal of the Juno mission is to improve our understanding of Jupiter's formation, evolution, and structure. It aims to investigate the planet's gravitational and magnetic fields, its atmospheric composition, and the dynamics of its atmosphere. By studying Jupiter, scientists hope to gain insights into the early solar system and planetary formation processes.

  2. Spacecraft and Instruments: The Juno spacecraft is equipped with a suite of scientific instruments to collect data about Jupiter. These instruments include the JunoCam (a visible-light camera), the Juno Microwave Radiometer, the Juno Infrared Auroral Mapper, the Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph, the Jupiter Energetic Particle Detector Instrument, and the Gravity Science Instrument. These instruments work together to measure various aspects of Jupiter's atmosphere, magnetic field, and interior structure.

  3. Orbit: Juno follows a highly elliptical polar orbit around Jupiter. It orbits from pole to pole, providing unprecedented close-up views of the planet and its atmospheric features. The spacecraft's orbit is designed to avoid Jupiter's intense radiation belts, known as the Van Allen radiation belts, to protect the sensitive scientific instruments on board.

  4. Discoveries and Findings: The Juno mission has made numerous significant discoveries and provided valuable data about Jupiter. Some of the key findings include mapping Jupiter's gravitational and magnetic fields, revealing a complex and asymmetric magnetic field; capturing detailed images of Jupiter's polar regions, including intricate cloud patterns and storms; studying Jupiter's atmospheric composition, including the amount of water and ammonia; and investigating the planet's deep atmosphere and core structure.

  5. Mission Extensions: Originally planned to end in July 2021, the Juno mission has received mission extensions. In June 2021, NASA announced the Juno mission's extension until September 2025, allowing for further exploration and study of Jupiter.

The Juno mission has significantly advanced our understanding of Jupiter and provided insights into the processes at work in giant planets. By studying Jupiter, scientists hope to gain a better understanding of our own solar system's formation and the mechanisms that drive planetary evolution.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

About science

 Science is a systematic and organized approach to understanding the natural world through observation, experimentation, and analysis. It is a broad and ever-evolving field that encompasses a wide range of disciplines, each focused on different aspects of the universe. Here are some key points about science:

  1. Scientific Method: Science relies on the scientific method, a structured approach to investigation that involves making observations, formulating hypotheses, conducting experiments, and drawing conclusions. This method helps ensure that scientific investigations are rigorous and reliable.

  2. Branches of Science: Science can be divided into various branches, including:

    • Physical Sciences: These include physics, chemistry, and astronomy, which study the fundamental properties of matter and the universe.
    • Life Sciences: Biology, ecology, and genetics fall under this category, focusing on living organisms and their interactions.
    • Earth Sciences: Geology, meteorology, and oceanography are part of this branch, examining the Earth and its processes.
    • Social Sciences: Psychology, sociology, anthropology, and economics investigate human behavior, societies, and cultures.
    • Applied Sciences: Fields like engineering, medicine, and computer science apply scientific principles to solve practical problems.
  3. Peer Review: The results of scientific research are typically subject to peer review, where other experts in the field evaluate the research methods, data, and conclusions before publication. This process helps maintain the quality and reliability of scientific knowledge.

  4. Empirical Evidence: Science relies on empirical evidence, which means that hypotheses and theories must be supported by observable, measurable, and repeatable data. This emphasis on evidence-based claims distinguishes science from other forms of inquiry.

  5. Theories and Hypotheses: In science, a hypothesis is a tentative explanation for a phenomenon, while a theory is a well-substantiated explanation that has withstood rigorous testing and scrutiny. Theories are the highest level of confidence in scientific understanding.

  6. Scientific Progress: Science is an iterative process of discovery and refinement. New evidence can lead to the modification or rejection of existing theories and the development of new ones.

  7. Interdisciplinary Nature: Many scientific discoveries and breakthroughs occur at the intersection of different scientific disciplines. Collaboration between scientists from various fields is common.

  8. Ethical Considerations: Scientists adhere to ethical principles in their research, including honesty, integrity, and transparency. Ethical guidelines help ensure that research is conducted responsibly and that the rights and well-being of research subjects are protected.

  9. Technology and Innovation: Science and technology are closely intertwined. Advances in science often drive technological innovation, and technology, in turn, enables new avenues of scientific research.

  10. Global Impact: Scientific discoveries have a profound impact on society, influencing everything from healthcare and environmental policy to communication and transportation.

Science is a dynamic and evolving field, and its discoveries continue to shape our understanding of the world and drive progress in various aspects of human life. It plays a crucial role in addressing global challenges, improving our quality of life, and expanding the frontiers of knowledge.

History of Esa nabi

 It looks like you might be referring to the history of Prophet Isa (Jesus) in Islamic tradition. Here is an overview of his story as it is ...